Necromancer Names: Do you want a name that sounds like Halloween, or Spooky? If yes, then necromancer names could be the best choice for you. Standard necromancer names are usually quite complex, detailed, and arcane. In this article, you have provided the best collection of Necromancer Name ideas that is good for males and females.
Whether you want a name for Halloween day or for Instagram, Facebook and social media, you need a good Necromancer Name that makes your stand out. It is important to choose a necromancer name that represents you and your chosen path in life. Below are some examples of names for necromancers who specialize in different aspects of the dark arts. A necromancer is a powerful practitioner of the dark arts. They can summon and control spirits, and use their power to achieve their goals.
Necromancer names vary quite a bit, as there is no one set way to name a necromancer. Some might choose to go with names that sound dark and ominous, while others might prefer something more whimsical or light. It all depends on the individual necromancer’s taste and style. Here we have shared all types of Necromancer Names ideas that you can check out from the list given below.

Necromancer Names
Necromancers are those who wield the power of death and often work in tandem with dark gods or demons to control the undead. They are feared by many, as their powers can be truly devastating. Just because the undead apocalypse is nigh doesn’t mean you have to go through it without a sense of style. Behold, thousands of coolest zombie names for your necro necromancer.
When it comes to choosing a name for necromancer, it is quite challenging because there are many necromancer names that have been lost to history. However, some of the best Necromancer Name ideas are given in this article. This resource contains the names of necromancers from different countries, along with the spells they use. So, if you don’t understand any of these names then search it on the internet to find the meaning of the name. Necromancers often have macabre names, indicative of their dark powers. Some examples are listed here.
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Good Necromancer Names
Necromancer names are an important part of the persona you create when playing a necromancer character. Here are some good ones to get you started.
- Adrilos
- Harow
- Krapent
- Wiozis
- Vaukras
- Ibrokhar
- Akralya
- Iyouverra
- Vridira
- Comona
- Hisin
- Xarotia
- Sornunek
- Erzallaz
- Agthuth
- Sozguxin
- Ringrodon
- Dolgranuth
- Nephiphei
- Kissusei
- Euthose
- Zephephia
- Alethranthe
- Olithosa
- Pestranthus
- Thyestous
- Dathiss
- Aesathis
- Agathelaus
- Thanisius

Female Necromancer Names
In order to choose an appropriate name for your female necromancer character, you’ll first need to decide what style of necromancy you practice. Once you’ve got that nailed down, check out the list given below to find perfect Necromancer Names for females.
- Varotia The Hallowed
- Mallus The Evil
- Darky the Mad
- Queen of deathland
- Puness The Crippled
- Wild Sun Swine
- Cedrem Sanguis hermin
- Shexor The Corpse
- Gitic The Decayer
- Vioyor Diction
- Shoucrux Sanguine
- Xaepeth The Insane
- Briozael Sanguis
- Fiothes Calamity
- Houdrex Necrosyse
- Akalaer The Decrepit
- Gidrex Payne
- Gitos Dreadmore
- Esaleki The Wraith
- Faedan Haggard
- Divok Nightfall
- Zridan Ashes
- Duprix Solace
- Krurow The Black
- Ishexith Magnus
- Xaxir The Raised
- Tidrem Carnage
- Saxhin The Tyrant
- Xaubrum The Mute
- Wraubea Umbra
- Brelos Black
- Rexiem Rane
- Cirius Void
- Drevras Payne
- Kroqur Haggard
- Shelazar Sanguis
- Sudhur Anatomy
- Komon The Maggot
- Naughrin Craft
- Sadulus The Mad
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Male Necromancer Names
There are many names for male necromancer names ideas, but some are more common than others. Here are some of the most popular names for male necromancers that you can check out from below.
- Haeleki Fester
- Yequr The Reanimator
- Divok Maleficum
- The Inquisitor of sins
- The Evil Decayer
- Dead red plasma
- Tangle brute of terror
- Dead Grim Boulder
- Vourina The Decomposer
- Emaress The nightmare
- Red dark shadow
- Egaevris Graeme
- Grebea The Risen
- Grabrum The Nightfall
- Margery Daw darker
- Mayfair Witches of deathland
- The Evil Decayer
- King of Deathland
- Greirina The Mad
- Wazor Dark Nightshade
- Paxton Dark Rex
- Wapris The Mad
- Wild Sun Swine
- Kaiser Death Whisper
- Clarita Dark Maleficum
- The Dark Skeletal Corpse
- The Canine Death Being
- Xaezhar The Inquisitor
- Wraukhar The Gorish
- Wadulus Nyte
- Shakhar Mortice
- Shilazar The Renewer
- Fadulus The Risen
- Diozor The Darkheart
- Zraukras Calamity
- Calazar Grimm
- Zaerael Malicius
- Ekrecilia Calamity
- Bidira The Serpent
- Sehilde The Soulreaper
- Craghana Graeme
- Vrorina The Mad
- Drureda The Demise
- Meviah Void
- Krorina The Renewer

Famous Necromancer Names
You’ve been seeing a lot of names being tossed around necromancer categories, but you need pick one name that sounds relevant, catchy and attractive. So we have put together a list of the Famous necromancer names, Let’s take a look.
- Turoti The Rotting
- Igravris The Mad
- Exharger Inquirer
- Varow Nightshade
- Kakar Diction
- Steghor Gloom
- Sherrel The Living
- Kakar Katha
- Jioro Boncal
- Feline Evil whisper
- Greirina The Shade
- Ducia Sanguis
- Dhexor Grimm
- Daviah Umbra
- Neilian The Putrid
- Pibea Maleficum
- Palen Cruor
- Yalian The Constructed
- Vauris The Corruptor
- Kreness Blackhand
- Ostroverra Incarnate
- Chrimura Graeme
- Shaerael The Living
- Kredan The Nightmare
- Wrilos Haggard
- Xeikar The Risen
- Keghor Mildew
- Cruvras Crane
- Rovok The Insane
- Exozar The De-Composer
- Shetic The Corrupted
- Vicious Mocking Behemoth
- Storm Cloud doom
- Sahilde the corpse
- Bitullah Cruiser
- Chasin Ban
- Firion Victor Whisper
- Ivory warp lynx
- Spirit of deads
- Armon moon
- TrickywayNestr
- Sheixor Kane
- Biomorn deathbloom
- Mad blood evil
- Natulah The corpse
- The Black Evil
- Rylos Haggard
- Sugar Mortis
- The Ticket The Decair
- Kerow Deville
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Cool Necromancer Names
Here are some coolest necromancer names for your evil next-door neighbor, Arch-Necromancer Steve.
- Cairo Devil
- Burnt Butcher Swine
- Ciomona The Mad
- Pimira The Nightmare
- Droubrum The Mad
- Vrauxius Blackhand
- Kipeth Sanguis
- Punus Bonecall
- Shioprix Nyte
- Noghrin Bonecall
- Ciobres The Inquisitor
- Iwaedan Blight
- Wrurina Hex
- Heitulah The Fleshrender
- Ustrunoth The Gorish
- Acrylic Calmity
- Ayatullah the Corpus
- Bryson Morte
- Chirmura Graeme
- Davia Umbra
- Nasin Shed
- Palan Cruiser
- Sautullah Carnage
- Copeth Diction
- Pomin Siphon
- Ugomin Diction
- Powith Umbra
- Miozis The Surgeon
- Toukar The Darkheart
- Uvradita Anatomy
- Zeroti Shed
- Toucix Fester
- Womira the Immortal
- Famona Daemonne
- Uxauzius Graves

Necromancer Names Generator
Need a spooky name for your next necromancer character? Check out our Necromancer Names Generator! It’s sure to give you the perfect sinister moniker.
- Evredan Payne
- Drouxor the Decrepit
- Egirow the Tyrant
- Ustralekai the Demise
- Exucia the Feeble
- Priovana the Reaper
- Stroxhin Crow
- Gokar the Abominable
- Zuzul the Analyzer
- Vegetable the Defiller
- Stock the decrypt
- Shaker Grimm
- Odrovok Anatomy
- Grijul the Darkheart
- Gaikai disaster
- Drukhar Demne
- Crew Crane
- Cairo Devil
- Caeda Morgan of wild
- Melinoe The Mad
- Caezhar Mildew
- Beixith Calamity
- WhiskeyLasken
- HonestNegreari
- Gourotia The carver
- Killian Raven Evil
- Silent weave
- Fupris Melphicum
- Vrogami Plasma
- Estella Tempest Of Dark
- Jinx Hunt Willow
- The Dead Entity
- Dylan Cromwell
- Chririna The Decomposer
- Vavash The Haggard
- Stoxiem The Mad
- Briopent The Living
- Stoxiem evil Vacuity
- Merlin the Mad
- Vrotulah The Undead
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Mythological Necromancer Names
Necromancer names often conjure up dark images of blood-curdling screams, sinister incantations, and things that go bump in the night. Here are some of the more popular names for necromancers throughout mythology and folklore.
- Tombstone
- Burial
- Mourne
- Scythe
- Dirge
- Muerte
- Deeprot
- Repose
- Olmennad
- Mosobus
- Pestrerios
- Phoali
- Rornod
- Margunuth
- Dorenia
- Helinos
- Naphexis
- Dalvomoth
- Crypt
- Graves
- Tecular
- Kazhar
- Athoeus
- Protesus
- Xerxypnos
- Phlegexia
- Pestrerios
- Xanthios
- Myrithiphei
- Seliusei
- Prixaia
- Ophiorise
- Ophiephia
- Adozophe
- Mallmakath
- Ostrog
- Thastruneg
- Margunuth
- Gorgun
- Eralid
- Daselm
- Creven
- Odipris
- Miomona
- Kouven
- Ixatulah
- Evogrim
- Kozhul
- Daelazar
- Stixius
- Decay
- Elegy
- Sepulchre
- Epitaph
- Bones
- Bury
- Pyre
- Eulogy
- Nocturne
- Moonlight

Dark Elf Necromancer Names
When choosing a dark elf necromancer name, it is important to consider the type of character you want to portray. Some names might be more suited for a powerful and commanding figure, while others might be more fitting for a sly and cunning magician. Below are a few examples to help get you started.
- Leitic The De-Composer
- Griqis The Manifested
- Cudhos Mallus
- Xaedrem The Carver
- Astruqrax Necrosyse
- Tiqis The Beast
- Laebaem Molder
- Faubres The Renovator
- Nenus The Putrid
- Fedrim Fester
- Loudrex Whisper
- Wouthir The Rotting
- Ubriodrex The Unliving
- Yethes The Blight
- Chicrux The Immortal
- Fiqrax The Risen
- Krishis Graves
- Zomin Sanguine
- Azauwix Gloom
- Okounirn Incarnate
- Stedrex Umbra
- Wrioghrin Hex
- Saxis Grimm
- Stamirn The Decomposer
- Goulaer Bonecall
- Kaughrin The Black
- Daucix The Darkheart
- Zrewar Blight
- Vrabrix Anatomy
- Shilaer Graves
- Rodrem The Hollow
- Kraubaem Sanguis
- Loghrin Plasma
- Stedhir The Putrid
- Ostathes The Inquisitor
- Nuzis The Decayer
- Utuprix The Tyrant
- Bighrin Gravemore
- Dioghrin The Demon
- Baumorn Graeme
- Rioprix Sanguis
- Wouyor Plasma
- Zeileki Plasma
- Ecrathes The Plaguebringer
- Stomek Putrescence
- Zeprix The Living
- Dridrim The Carver
- Kradrim The Raised
- Bacrux The Mute
- Chrozis Doomweaver
- Beimin The Raised
- Ebodhos Morbide
- Krimin Bloodworth
- Nouzis Calamity
- Stushis The Doctor
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Unique Necromancer Names
We’ve compiled some of the most interesting and creative names for your necromancer’s character to choose from. So get inspired and find the perfect name for your dark wizard today!
- Coyor The Putrid
- Righrin Deathbloom
- Zremish Void
- Ralya Nyte
- Niosin The Mad
- Braulen Solace
- Stixaura Malefic
- Vuven Calamity
- Xabrix Morbide
- Iredira The Hallowed
- Zricilia Mildew
- Shavash Crane
- Zomura The Adept
- Apromira Graeme
- Xemona Plasma
- Reigami Magnus
- Crouselm The Mute
- Yibrix Incarnate
- Tedira Craft
- Kioreas The Undead
- Croubetha The Mute
- Prareda Sanguine
- Elaevana Crow
- Iwevana Hex
- Zamura The Insane
- Fadita Craft
- Strotulah The Wraith
- Brapeste Deville
- Struselm Morbide
- Imagami Livid
- Xeixaura Alure
- Strulya The Soulkeeper
- Haesin The Vivisector
- Xamish Maleficum
- Camin Gravemore
- Steidrex Void
- Feprix The Examiner
- Yithir Malefic
- Gaezael Magnus
- Zacrux Sanguis
- Brocrux The Corpse
- Yaedhos The Adept
- Weibrix Siphon
- Graexiem Black
- Nilaer The Maggot

Funny Necromancer Names
Just because you’re dead, doesn’t mean you can’t have a sense of humor. Here are some funny necromancer names that you can check out from the list given below.
- Idrobrix Mallus
- Graethas The Blight
- Wraenoth The Analyzer
- Caxhin The Feeble
- Grashis The Reviver
- Ihioprix Deathhand
- Tonoth Haggard
- Prawix The Defiler
- Shixith Nightshade
- Stiyor Sanguine
- Boshis The Blight
- Straushis The Constructor
- Ubraubaem The Raised
- Wradrem Crane
- Licrux Carnage
- Shonus Calamity
- Diqrax The Unliving
- Setos Whisper
- Kaudrem The Doctor
- Nemorn The Decayer
- Prodhos The Crippled
- Epouzael The Decrepit
- Prezis The Eternal
- Shoxas Plasma
- Dibrix Fester
- Gaxas Morte
- Xicrux The Corpse
- Riwith Plasma
- Vruxis Daemonne
- Mathas Shade
- Xeleki Mallus
- Gridrim The Plaguemaster
- Ostrumirn The Demise
- Wiqrax Naxxremis
- Daprix The Reanimator
- Soudhos The Resurrector
- Steqrax The Gorish
- Wrecix The Animator
- Ubrioxhin Nightshade
- Hudhos Nightshade
- Dranus Doomwhisper
- Pimorn The Necro
- Kuqrax The Plaguebringer
- Awathes The Renovator
- Prudrim The Constructed
- Raupent The Abominable
- Laemien The Eradicator
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The Necromancer is a fearsome and powerful being, able to raise the dead and control hordes of undead minions. Some have also called her the Witch of the Dead, the Mistress of the Damned, and the Queen of the Night. The best collection of Necromancer Names are listed above that help you to get inspired or you can pick any of these names. If you want to create your own Necromancer names, follow our tips given in this article.