In our day-to-day existence, we give importance to many things but mainly we give the most important to our relationship. The relationship is a strong bond of love, affection, and care that holds many people together. There are many types of relations like husband-wife, brother-sister, boyfriend-girlfriend, etc. All these relations have their equal importance but the most special relation is of brother and sister. Unlike other relations in this relation, you can observe love, affection, care, and sometimes small friendly fights. Almost everyone in this world calls their brother when they are in trouble and it is because of the friendly relation.
Thus a brother-sister relation is a friendly relation more than a family relation. A brother-sister relation grows stronger with time and thus when they grow elder they know each other very well. You may have seen in many cases or have personally experienced that elder brother always teases his sister but his sister calls firstly her brother when she is in trouble and this is the beauty of this relation. Thus there is unconditional love and affection in a brother-sister relationship. Brothers are usually shy and they hesitate to express their love and affection towards their sister but sisters don’t and thus find unique ways to express their love and care towards their brother.

Nicknames for Brother in Hindi
Nicknames for Brother in Hindi: There are numerous ways in which sisters try to express their love towards their brother by clicking selfies and posting them on social media handles, or by calling them by a nickname. Calling your brother with a nickname is the funniest and the best way to express your love towards your brother. If you call your brother with a nickname then it shows your affinity and thus also resembles your cute relationship.
However, finding a cute nickname for your brother can be a little tricky but still, you can find some in this article below. You can call your brother with a nickname but will sound better if it’s in your native language. If you call your brother with a nickname in your native language then it will be great fun. Thus if you trying to find a unique nickname for your brother then you reached the right place. Described below is a list of some of the best nicknames for brothers in Hindi.

Cute Nicknames for Brother in Hindi
Like every brother-sister has a cute a loving relationship thus calling your brother with a cute nickname might grow your relationship even stronger. So if you too want a cute nickname for your brother in Hindi then you refer to the below list.
- स्मार्टी: If your brother is quite smart and good at making wise decisions in his life then you can him by this nickname.
- मिकी माउस: Mickey Mouse is one of the most famous cartoon characters who is well known for his stress-free nature. So if your brother is also cute and cool like mickey then you can call him with this nickname.
- स्माइली: Smiley is one of the most used emoticons in smartphones that brings a smile to everyone’s face. Thus If you like your brother’s smile and everyone else also becomes happy seeing him then you can also make him feel special by calling him with this nickname.
- क्यूटी: Everyone is cute for their siblings but if you find your brother the cutest one then you can also call him cutie.
- गॉर्जियस: If your brother is stunningly beautiful and every single girl gets easily attracted towards your bother then calling him this nickname would be the best.
- डिम्पल बॉय: Dimples add extra beauty to your look and thus if dimples appear on your brother’s face while smiling then you can also call him with this nickname.
- हैन्डसम: If your brother is tall and handsome and has a dashing personality then you can also call him handsome.
- बेस्टी: There is always a strong bond of connection between siblings and thus they consider each other as best friends rather than siblings and also share their secrets. Thus if you too have this kind of relationship with your brother then you can also call him by this nickname.
- बडी: If you consider your brother as your friend then you can also call him your buddy.
- हनी: If your relationship with your brother is sweet like honey then you can also call your brother by this name.
- बेबी ब्रदर: If your brother is cute as a baby then you can also call him baby brother.

Funny Nicknames for Brother in Hindi
A brother-sister relation is a funny and loving relationship and you always want to add some more fun to your relationship and thus you can do it by calling your brother with a funny nickname. So if you are in search of a funny nickname for your brother in Hindi then you can refer to the below list.
- पिग: Pig is considered to be the most intelligent one in all animals and thus if you think your brother is also equally intelligent then you can also call him by this nickname.
- चशमिश: People with spectacles look more serious and intelligent and if your brother wears spectacles too then you call him by this name.
- भोंदू: If your brother is quite dumb and gets everything very late then you can also call your brother with this name.
- टूटी-फ्रूटी: It is one of the best ice creams that is a combination of several different fruits and if you think that your brother is also a combination of several qualities then you can also call him with this nickname.
- गूगल: Google is one of the most powerful search engines that have an answer for almost every question and thus if your brother has an answer for every question then you can call your brother google.
- मैगी: Maggi is one of the noodles that is curly is in shape and thus if your brother to have curly hair like a noodle then you can also call him with this nickname.
- हल्क: Hulk is considered to be the most powerful superhuman and thus if your brother is equally powerful then you can also call him hulk.

Best Nicknames for Brother in Hindi
- शॉर्टी
- १ गुफा का आदमी
- खाली सूरत
- सोना
- गुड़िया
- आकर्षक एलियन
- छोटा बच्चा
- विस्फोटों
- चीनी
- आकर्षक पांडा
- जोखिम
- श्रेष्ठता
- wizardry
- बाल केक
- सुअर को बसाओ
- चिकी
- जमना
- मिठाई
- लाडले
- रोल-कैनाइन
- गुलाब का पौधा
- वेस्टी
- फ्लाइंग हंटर
- लोमड़ी
- सख्त लौंडा
- चट्टान
- लोहार का हथौड़ा
- हॉकआई
- अत्यंत बलवान आदमी
- द्रव्यमान
- लौह पुरुष
- मज़ा आकार
- हास्य अभिनेता
- गूबेर
- गुम्बी
- जोकर
- मीटबॉल
- नकद बैग
- चॉम्पो
- गन्दा बच्चा
- सत्यानाशी
- चीता
- क्षेत्र लगानेवाला
- मधुमक्खी का घुटना
- असभ्य
- रिंगो
- श्रेष्ठता
- फ्लीबी
- विनी
- बुलबुल

Contact Nicknames for Brother in Hindi
- गोल्डी
- शैतान
- गैंगस्टा बेबी
- सेटल बनी
- घटाटोप
- इलाज
- बालू
- हाथ से तैयार पेय
- स्वर्गीय दूत
- निरीक्षण
- गमड्रॉप
- युवा
- हार्दिक
- बाल केक
- हर चीज़
- सूक्ष्म
- राजकुमारी
- मानव स्वर्गीय दूत
- बाघ
- खेदजनक
- मित्रता
- नमकीन
- आकर्षक
- गुप्त एक
- विजेता
- प्यार
- सुरक्षा बंदर
- बुब्बा
- अत्यंत बलवान आदमी
- टाइगरिनी
- अतिमानव
- नाविक
- गुलाब का पौधा
- आंधी
- स्वर्ग
- फ्लाइंग हंटर
- नूडल्स
- मिस्टर/मिसेज इवे
- नष्ट
- डार्लिंग्स
- marshmallow
- बाघ
- बदबूदार पिंकी
- लोमड़ी
- Gandalf
- जादूगर
- चट्टान
- अभिनेता
- रेम्बो
- छिड़काव

Cool Nicknames for Brother in Hindi
- पिकाचु
- प्रेत
- शराब
- व्हिज़
- शर्लक
- मास्टर एक्सओ
- चट्टान
- पेप्सी
- मकई के नमकीन
- गिलहरी
- बहुत छोता
- आतशबाज़ी
- ग़ुलाम
- सरौता
- मूली
- जादू का
- जादूगार
- अंडमुख
- लाला
- शानदार हनी
- क्रिम्पल्स
- स्वीट ‘एन सोर’
- कीड़े
- बुब्बा
- सूरजमुखी
- जमा हुआ दही
- लिली
- रेशम
- बिगड़ा हुआ
- गैंगस्टाह
- एडी टेडी
- मिक्कू
- बदमाश
- कोको
- रोशनी
- विधर्मी
- एमिगो
- बेस्वाद भालू
- युवा
Having a brother make your everyday memorable and most of the people who have a brother, don’t call him by his real name instead they call him with a unique, cool, and funny nickname so if you’re also looking for funny nicknames for brother then must check out the names listed above. You can find out hundreds of cute and unique nicknames for brother in Hindi (भाई के लिए नेम्स इन हिंदी). अर्थात यदि आप अपने भाई को प्यार से किसी यूनिक और फनी निकनेम से बुलाना चाहते हैं तो इस लेख के द्वारा आप को विभिन्न प्रकार के निकनेम फॉर ब्रदर इन हिंदी देखने को मिलेंगे।